Bildschirmfoto 2024-02-22 um 14.15.56


Coden im Mathematikunterricht - Mathematik-Informatik Transfer
(Coding in mathematics lessons - Mathematics-Informatics Transfer)

Project management:
Jens Dennhard, Saskia Schreiter
Project team:
Felix Lober, Laura Klapper
Funded by:
Klaus Tschira Stiftung
Funding period:
May 2023 - Apr 2026

We will develop and research interdisciplinary learning environments that integrate programming into mathematics lessons for students in grades 3/4 and 5/6. These environments are designed to combine mathematical and informatics learning objectives, targeting both beginners among students and teachers for easy integration into the classroom. Mathematical topics with algorithmic structures, such as number sequences, are digitally processed through age-appropriate programming units using the block-based visual programming language NEPO. Through iterative empirical testing and revision cycles, we aim to build up essential foundational knowledge regarding conditions for success and obstacles in early, subject-integrated informatics education.

Prof. Dr. Saskia Schreiter