Bildschirmfoto 2024-02-22 um 14.17.22

DiaKom B3

Diagnostische Urteile von Lehrkräften zur Schwierigkeit von Mathematikaufgaben. Eine prozessorientierte Untersuchung mit Eye-Tracking und Stimulated Recall Interviews.
(Teachers' diagnostic judgments on the difficulty of mathematics tasks. A process-oriented study with eye-tracking and stimulated recall interviews.)

Project management:
Markus Vogel, Tobias Dörfler, Markus Rehm
Project team (subproject):
Saskia Schreiter
Funded by:
Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg
Funding period:
Aug 2018 - Jul 2021

This project aims to explore the diagnostic competency of mathematics teachers in judging task difficulties for learners. It seeks to understand the information processing involved in diagnostic processes and potential factors influencing judgment processes. Eye-tracking technology is used to examine the information processing during the diagnosis of mathematical tasks, particularly in fractions and angle calculations. By investigating these processes, the aim is to provide insights that can inform teacher training and practice.

Prof. Dr. Saskia Schreiter